To whom it may concern > 영어회화

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© NO.1 필리핀종합정보여행커뮤니티 마간다카페

To whom it may concern

작성일 14-05-26 10:22

페이지 정보

작성자 니 이모를… 쪽지보내기 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 조회 1,247회 댓글 3건


Dear English members,

I hope you guys are well.

I'm so sorry that I can't propel this English offline study club for the time being because all of sudden, my mom went to hospital she has been in hospital since last Thuesday and I and my family  ought to take care of her.

Therefore, I need to do both work and care at the same time and can't afford to progress this project.

I'm regret that this situation happened and please pray for my mom.

I look forward to seeing you guys again soon.

With Best Regards,



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© NO.1 필리핀종합정보여행커뮤니티 마간다카페. 개인정보취급방침